Choose your plan
Pick your subscription, start writing, and enjoy ease of mind.
What you get
Grammar Checker
Unlimited access
Grammar Explanations
You see suggestions and you learn from your mistakes
Template Base
Ideal for business and personal use
My Texts
Create and save your own templates
Chrome Add-On
You use language help right away
Recordings of native speakers
You listen to words and whole sentences (BC)
What’s the commitment?
You can start your 7-day trial without any commitments. If you choose our monthly plan, you will be automatically charged every month. You can withdraw at any time. Jeśli wybierzesz roczny plan, z Twojego konta zostanie potrącona kwota zgodnie z aktualnym cennikiem. Your subscription will automatically renew every year.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
Can I change the currency that I have used so far to pay for the Becorrect subscription?
The currency choice option (either the local currency or USD) is visible before the initial Becorrect subscription payment. After making the payment, the chosen value is saved and automatically required for subsequent payments. If you wish to change the currency for the subsequent payments, contact us at .
Do you have any special offers for business?
Yes. If you want to buy Becorrect for more than 10 people, please contact us directly at
Will I be satisfied with Becorrect?
Yes. Becorrect is great. Many say that it’s the best, but we try to stay modest.